
​Teasers page contains table with all teasers.

For best user experience teasers grouped by State: Rotation - active, Ready - approved and paused, Issued - rejected or banned, Waits - testing and drafts and Archived.

Teasers in 'Rotation' group can be quick pause/start with appropriate buttons.

Teaser in 'Ready', 'Issued', 'Waits' groups can be quick archived with button

Add New/ Edit Teaser

You need fill/edit next fields and save the form:

  1. Type Destination Url. We try extract MetaTitle and Content Image from typed url source and use this data for autofill Title and Image;

  2. Type Title or change it if needed;

  3. Checkbox Start After Approve define Teaser status after moderate. If checked Teaser will be in rotation, otherwise it will be paused;

  4. Upload Image or change it if needed;

  5. Click Save button.

Teaser Auto Create Mode

Auto Create Mode allows create Teasers for promotion with data provided by Rss Feeds.

To activate Auto Create Mode just add link to an Rss feed on website edit page (see step 4). You can use many Rss Feeds for one website. Just type ',' (comma) to separate each link. For example, https://your_website.net/feed1,https://your_website.net/feed2.

Last updated